Our 2020 quarter 4 achievements and 2021 plan
At the beginning of 2020, we outlined our 2020 deliverables. Each quarter we have reported on the delivery of these key goals in this newsletter. In Q4 2020 we:
- published Leading Practice Guidance on fraud risk assessments, pressure testing and data pilots
- worked with Deloitte to produce guidance on creating counter fraud investment cases
- held 4 narrative building workshops to help Commonwealth entities create their bespoke counter fraud narrative
- hosted 5 webinars during Fraud Awareness Week that were viewed by over 300 people from Commonwealth entities
- analysed the Australian Institute of Criminology's fraud census data and planned for future improvements
- completed 2 pressure testing pilots
- provided the Secretariat for the Commonwealth Senior Officers Fraud Forum and the Counter Fraud Reference Group
- updated CounterFraud.gov.au with new pages and new fraud case studies
- circulated our Fraud in Grants preliminary results paper.
Even though 2020 didn't exactly go to plan (for anyone) we still managed to achieve our intended deliverables, plus a few more!
In the first half of 2021, our focus will be to:
- embed the leading practice that we developed in 2020 by developing and running a series of free seminars and workshops for Commonwealth entities on fraud risk assessments, pressure testing and data pilots
- work with the AIC to create the first ever entity-level reports from AIC fraud census data that provide comparisons and benchmarks
- publish leading practice guidance on how to manage the risk of fraud in grants programs continuing to offer our narrative building workshops
- publish guidance on how to manage the insider threat risk in your entity
- deliver the results of our Information Sharing Mapping Project
- continue to develop our Case Study Register
- continue to build and improve our website
- continue to support entities to pilot data sharing activities
- enable counter fraud officials to collaborate and share current practice by hosting the pressure testing community of practice and other senior-level advisory committees.
Contact us if you're from a Commonwealth entity and are interested in attending any of our workshops/seminars or if you're keen to be involved with any of our projects.
Author: Deanne Allan