Our 2021 quarter 1 achievements

Now we are well and truly settled into 2021, it is time for us to share with you all the progress we have made over the last quarter. We have continued to provide high quality and meaningful fraud prevention support to Australian Government entities.
From January to March 2021, we hosted:
- 8 narrative workshops to help entities develop a counter fraud narrative
- 2 fraud risk assessment workshops to help Australian Government officials understand management-level considerations for implementing best practice fraud risk assessments
- an Information Sharing Mapping Project consultation workshop to validate the findings and conclusions drawn from the project
- a pressure testing community of practice meeting which included a presentation from the United States Government Accountability Office on their approach to covert testing activities.
On top of the general support we provide Australian Government entities to effectively build their counter fraud awareness and capability, we developed the:
- Economic Recovery Counter Fraud Toolkit
- Disaster Recovery Counter Fraud Toolkit
- Fraud Messaging Toolkit
- Using URLs in public SMS communication guidance.
Further, we have:
- continued to support entities to pilot data sharing activities and commenced preparations to host our 2021 Data Analytics Conference in April
- finalised a paper on our Information Sharing Mapping Project to report to the Commonwealth Senior Officers Fraud Forum in April
- collaborated with stakeholders to consider the risk of fraud in grants administration to inform the development of leading practice guidance
- continued to support the Australian Institute of Criminology in its review of fraud census data to develop suitable entity reports, as well as co-hosted workshops with stakeholders to support the collection of relevant census data
- continued to build and improve our website, including our Case Study Register.
Please contact us if you're from an Australian Government entity and would like to know more about our priorities, attend any of our workshops or if you're keen to be involved with any of our projects!
Author: Ebonie Ferrari