Fraud Control Framework review update
The Commonwealth Fraud Prevention Centre is updating the 3 documents that make up the Commonwealth Fraud Control Framework. The updated framework will expand its application to corruption as well as fraud, requiring Commonwealth entities to take steps to prevent, detect and respond to corrupt conduct.

The Centre is working to implement the feedback submitted during the consultation period. We would like to express our thanks for the volume of high-quality input we received on the draft Fraud Rule and Policy. In response to the points raised during consultation, we are engaging with the National Anti-Corruption Commission and other involved entities to ensure that our advice and guidance are of the highest possible standard.
As a result, the release of the revised Fraud and Corruption Rule (and accompanying policy) is subject to ongoing delays, to be finalised before the end of 2023. The planned commencement date of 1 July 2024 remains unchanged.
The Centre will continue to add updates on our Commonwealth fraud control framework page. Please continue to refer to this page for information on the review.